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Looby Loo - @Cocomelon - Nursery Rhymes - Nursery Rhymes | Kids Cartoons | Moonbug Kids

Duration: 27:58Views: 1.1MLikes: 2.7KDate Created: Apr, 2022

Channel: Moonbug Kids - Cartoons and Kids Songs

Category: Education

Tags: jjbaby songskindergartenkids songslooby loococomelon songsing-alongkids videostoddlejcocomelon looby loo looby loonursery rhymeskids educationabckidtvcocomelonkids entertainmentsing-along songscocomelon looby loo videococo songscocomelon looby loo songlooby loo songkid songscoco melonnuirsery rhymeschildren songscocococomelon kids songskids animationpreschool

Description: Everybody get up and dance! It’s time to move and groove with all your Cocomelon friends! ⭐ Subscribe! ► youtube.com/channel/UC3_PaZ3Eso1JkuJyE_v4-3g?sub_confirmation=1 ⭐ Order ⭐ 0:00 Looby Loo 2:39 Take Me Out to the Ball Game 5:31 Animal Dance Song 8:24 Head Shoulders Knees & Toes 11:14 Tap Dancing Song 13:42 Play and Tell 16:59 You Can Ride a Bike 19:59 Head Shoulders Knees and Toes 22:07 John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt 24:54 Freeze Dance ⭐ Lyrics ⭐ Here we go Looby Loo Here we go Looby Light Here we go Looby Loo All on a Saturday night! You put your right hand in You put your right hand out You give your hand a shake, shake, shake And turn yourself about You put your left hand in You put your left hand out You give your hand a shake, shake, shake And turn yourself about You put your right foot in You put your right foot out You give your foot a shake, shake, shake And turn yourself about You put your left foot in You put your left foot out You give your foot a shake, shake, shake And turn yourself about You put your whole self in You put your whole self out You give yourself a shake, shake, shake And turn yourself about About Cocomelon: Where kids can be happy and smart! Moonbug Kids cartoons & kids songs is the home of all your favourite cartoon kids videos, songs for children and more. Join Mia, Buster, Mila and Morphle and the rest of our friends at Moonbug Kids for fun adventures, learning and songs. ⭐ Fun with our LEGO friends with this playlist! ► youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHplUNiJ41Nrqy47c3uuTfffik_gUUPt2 ⭐ Watch more from Moonbug Kids here: 📍 Lellobee - City Farm Songs & Nursery Rhymes: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHplUNiJ41NoH8znf0x6GSbQI3usCxZAe 📍 Healthy Habits For Kids Songs: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHplUNiJ41No5rAYLuEyCeaLMUFjKIWzz 📍 Blippi Videos - Kids Learning Videos: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHplUNiJ41NpnpLxQWLSgc5emq0ccabdE 📍 CoComelon Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHplUNiJ41NpP9iB4rgVL9vNkv_nkcHI8 📍 My Magic Pet Morphle - Children Cartoons: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHplUNiJ41NqF0E6wWWPgWrMAV-tiPrIk #KidsSongs #KidsCartoon #moonbugkids

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